Plain Text Converter

Character Count: 0 | Word Count: 0 | Sentence Count: 0 | Line Count: 0
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How to Use Convert Case's Plain Text Converter

Using our Plain Text Converter is simple. Just copy the rich text you want to convert and paste it into the converter. Our tool will automatically remove all the embedded code and preserve the numbered, bulleted, and tabbed formatting. You can then copy the plain text and use it in any online form or application without losing your formatting. Say goodbye to manual reformatting and hello to seamless productivity with Convert Case's Plain Text Converter.

What types of formatting does the Plain Text Converter preserve?

Our converter preserves numbered, bulleted, and tabbed formatting, making it easy for you to copy and paste your text into any online form or application without losing your formatting.

Can I use the Plain Text Converter on my mobile device?

Yes, you can use our converter on any device with internet access, including your mobile device.

Is the Plain Text Converter free to use?

Yes, our converter is completely free to use. Simply visit our website and start converting your rich text to plain text today.

Does the Plain Text Converter support languages other than English?

Yes, our converter supports a wide range of languages, including non-Latin scripts. Simply copy and paste your text into the converter and let us do the rest.

How does the Plain Text Converter differ from other online converters?

Our converter not only removes the frustrating embedded code from your rich text, but also preserves your formatting, making it easy for you to use your text in any online form or application without having to manually reformat it.

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